Essays & Articles

Thought-provoking pieces beyond the 9-to-5.

The Mighty | What I Want You To Know If You're Not OK Right Now

It is ok to ask for help; it does not mean that you are weak and spineless and in a state beyond repair.

The Mighty | 9 Things You Shouldn't Say To Someone With Anxiety Disorder

The best thing you can say is I’m here for you. We are going to get through this. You are not alone.

Thought Catalog | A Note For When You Feel Unlovable

There has never before been, and there never will be, another you. You are one of the special ones.

Thought Catalog | Dear Fighter—Your Past Pains Are Not Without Purpose

You are a very strong you, and you are a fighter.

Thought Catalog | This Is Me Choosing To Stay

This is me choosing myself. This is me choosing to follow my own heart, my own beliefs.

Thought Catalog | I Hope You Do The Thing That Scares You

I want to tell him I love him, I say. Fear says, he might leave.

Thought Catalog | This Is Why You Need To Trust The Process

You want guarantees, but the thing is: there are no guarantees.

Thought Catalog | Dear Friend, I Wish You Could See Yourself Through My Eyes

If I could, I would let you see for yourself how optic nerves tingle and delight in the very sight of someone as spectacular and special as you.

Thought Catalog | Of The Things You Deserve Most Is Moving On

You deserve to move on because you, as much as anyone else, deserve to be happy.

Thought Catalog | You Were Not Born To Live Small

You were born to blaze bright, in all your glory.